Reda, this is eye-opening, terrifying, and sad. I am so sorry for you and for your family. I have heard that the air quality in and around L.A. will be terrible for a long time to come.
Not that this at all compares, but we have a fireplace and recently had a spate of days where the wood we were burning wasn’t seasoned enough and the smell of smoke was overpowering. The air purifiers were reading orange and red - danger signals. I with my long COVID felt absolutely awful these days: I had a headache, my throat and lungs felt as if I had smoked three packs of cigarettes, my neuropathy was off the charts, and my heart was pounding. I also had a panic attack over all of this. My husband (who doesn’t have LC) wasn’t experiencing this all nearly to the degree that I was. Fortunately we figured out the issue, opened up a ton of windows, and the air feels normal again.
I can’t imagine how much worse this all is for you and your family. Given how my relatively minor situation made me feel, I’d say there is no way you should be back home for quite some time.
I’m so sorry, my friend. If I had a place to my lonesome I’d offer it to your family.
Reda, this is eye-opening, terrifying, and sad. I am so sorry for you and for your family. I have heard that the air quality in and around L.A. will be terrible for a long time to come.
Not that this at all compares, but we have a fireplace and recently had a spate of days where the wood we were burning wasn’t seasoned enough and the smell of smoke was overpowering. The air purifiers were reading orange and red - danger signals. I with my long COVID felt absolutely awful these days: I had a headache, my throat and lungs felt as if I had smoked three packs of cigarettes, my neuropathy was off the charts, and my heart was pounding. I also had a panic attack over all of this. My husband (who doesn’t have LC) wasn’t experiencing this all nearly to the degree that I was. Fortunately we figured out the issue, opened up a ton of windows, and the air feels normal again.
I can’t imagine how much worse this all is for you and your family. Given how my relatively minor situation made me feel, I’d say there is no way you should be back home for quite some time.
Thank you for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me, especially knowing you understand ❤️
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